Field Types

There are eight different field types that can be added into rubrics.

Rubric Buttons

Rubric buttons allow you to display ordered options with individual descriptions. These allow you to set point values, titles, and descriptions. This is the best way to include lots of information in a clean presentation. Titles and descriptions are displayed when you hover over an option.

Single Selection (dropdown list)

A single selection allows you to provide the user with pre-defined options that appear in a dropdown list. This option works well for short text options, and displays well on mobile (using native browser technology).

Multiple Selection

Multiple selection gives you the ability to present users with a dropdown that they can type to search. This supports multiple options, and is good for long lists.


Checkboxes are multiple selection inputs that work well for short lists.

Radio Buttons

Radio buttons are single selection inputs that works well for short lists.

Small Text Input

Free text can be captured using the small text input. The maximum number of characters allowed is 255.

Large Text Input

Large text is similar to small text, but allows for additional text input.

Title Only

When you are looking to organize your rubrics or add information only fields, you can leverage the title field type. This gives you the ability to put a title an description in the rubric.

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